funeral home service in Oakland, CA

All About Grave Markers

You often have a choice as to which kind of grave marker you want There are lots of different kinds of grave markers you can choose after a funeral home service in Oakland, CA, so how do you choose? You can start by learning the most common types. They include:

  1. Bevel Markers – Bevel markers are designed to lay flat on the ground at the head of the grave with the back slightly raised to create an upright illusion. They are often polished and finished with engravings, inscriptions, artwork, and other touches.
  2. Etched Portrait Marker – Etched portrait markers are flat or bevel markers that have an etched portrait of the deceased on their surface.
  3. Flat Markers – These grave markers are often the most affordable as they are flush to the ground and only about three to four inches thick. Flat markers are usually rectangular in shape and have a polished finish with the common inscriptions, carvings, and symbols.
  4. Sculptures – Sculpture markers are usually either a separate statue or sculped as part of the tombstone itself. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes from angels to hearts and much more.
  5. Niche Markers – If you choose to bury your loved one’s remains in a columbarium you can choose to add a niche marker. These markers denote which niche belongs to which person, making it easy for the bereaved to visit their loved one’s remains.
  6. Bronze Markers – Made out of bronze, these markers are attached to another grave marker.
  7. Military Marker – Veterans usually receive special grave markers to denote their military service. These markers are usually upright headstones or tombstones and are often provided by the government.
  8. Slant Upright Marker – These markers are simply headstones with slanted fronts. Usually between 12 and 16 inches high, the angle of the headstone makes reading the inscription easy. They can be finished with bronze memorial plaques or other inscriptions.

It’s important to note that there is a different between grave markers and headstones. A headstone, sometimes referred to as a tombstone, is an upright monument generally made of granite. A grave marker, however, has a flatter design and often comes with a bronze marker or inscription. You can also have a cemetery memorial marker. These are as simple as a plaque attached to a stake to mark the grave and can include a bronze plaque.

funeral home service in Oakland, CA

Don’t forget to think about what kind of material you want for your grave marker. There are tons of different materials to choose. Bronze and granite are both popular choices because they are strong, hardy and cost-effective. Granite is also a good choice if you want some color as it comes in colors including gray, green, white, black, red and even blue.

Deer Creek Funeral Service is here to assist you if you have more questions on grave markers or Oakland, CA funeral homes. We have years of experience and are ready and willing to do whatever we can to help you in your time of loss or preplanning.